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I recently heard it said that déjà vu is something like finally catching up to God and His plan and knowing that you are exactly where you should be. It’s like seeing your life through God’s eyes and then living your life the exact way He planned. What an vision that is!


I’ve had this experience many times in the past 2 weeks. I’ve seen myself sitting at my desk having a certain conversation. I’ve seen myself talking to certain people at the office that I only know from work. Nothing special happens in these situations. It’s just me in my everyday life and routine.


As these déjà vus were happening all I could think of was this idea of me being exactly where God wants me.


Right now I’m at a crossroads (and I kind of, really hate that term). I love life in Georgia. I love the work I’m doing. I love the community. I love the Spring nights spent celebrating people with food, drinks, cornhole, and laughter. But, on top of all that, I have no clue where I’m going. I don’t have a plan or even an idea of what is in my future.


You see I have this list, a list of things I enjoy:

-Baking awesome cupcakes and other things and letting others try whatever I make

-Hosting get-togethers and dinner parties


-Empowering, encouraging, and speaking truth into others

-A great mug of coffee with never ending refills

-Belly-aching, tears streaming, can’t breathe laughter

-Free, singing at the top of my lungs worship sessions


It doesn’t make sense together, but those are the things that I’m passionate about. Those are the things I enjoy the most. I’m putting this all into words as I’ve also recently heard that once you give it words, your calling in life can start to be. I can now acknowledge this list and can try to find how all of those can become one and meld together the things that I love the most.


For now, I’ll just continue to relive déjà vu as it happens, but also know that I’m exactly where God wants me without the déjà vu.

But rather because I know the heart of the Lord is for me to be here now.

Because I know the heart of the Lord is for me.

Because I know the heart of the Lord.




I really, desperately need supporters. I don’t have the support I need to have to work here coming in. I need to raise about $500 a month and I’m very much behind in monthly giving. Would you consider helping me? Click the “Support Me!” link on the left! By helping me, you are helping send hundreds of missionaries out into the field.