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My Hands Heal

Moral of the story: You hold in your hands the power and authority to heal yourself.

The Story:

The week after my last training camp I was exhausted. I wanted to go to my room and sleep for days. But, of course I had to go to work and catch up with all of my January racers (of which I’m still trying to do). I starting noticing this white dot on my left tonsil. Crap. Usually for me that means strep throat. I’m a strep throat regular and the symptoms were coming full force.


The week following training camp was also Project Seachlight for T Squad, so I had events after work hours to be a part of. Again, I was exhausted. One night, my throat hurt so much that I just decided to sit outside the training center because singing didn’t help. After worship there was a talk and the worship band came to debrief the night in the area I was sitting. I was told to stay because they wanted to pray healing for a few of us who were sick.


That prayer was great (and a little funny). I felt the power of the Lord. There were hot hands laid on me to heal me. The Lord wanted to heal me.


Nothing happened though.


I’ve always felt awkward with healings. It’s not that I don’t believe it will happen, but it’s still a far off idea as I’ve never seen it. It’s like my little mind can’t fathom that healing happens. Especially for me.


After the week of Seachlight I went to a doctor. They didn’t really know what was up. I was given a prescription, but it didn’t help. A few weeks later the spot was still there and had grown. I went to another doctor and she didn’t know what was happening either. She urged me to visit a specialist as my throat was now hurting a lot.


I called the Ear, Nose, Throat doctor in the area, but they didn’t have an opening until mid-August. I’m currently going on 2 months with this large white spot on my tonsil and a sore throat. It’s not fun!


However, this past weekend I was at launch for our August squads. During worship one night I had enough. I spoke with the Lord about things I’ve been holding onto. And I let those things go. I forgave people who I’ve been holding grudges against. I walked into more freedom.


And then during the last night of worship I prayed healing over myself. Something clicked in my brain that night.


The Lord started speaking to me:

“Ricci, do you see what happening in this room? I’m working in these Racers. You were here. I equipped you in the same way. You traveled all over the World proclaiming my name. You prayed over people with authority and power in My name. I gave you that then and you still have it. Trust me. Pray in that authority and power over yourself.”


So I did.


I laid hands on my throat. I spoke out in the name of God for all illness to go away and for my faith to increase.


I was finally able to have the idea of healing go from my head to my heart.


I didn’t think more about it after that night. As I was driving home the other night from the office I decided to look at my throat in my rearview mirror. (This is something I have done just to see what’s happening with tonsils.) When I looked, I didn’t see anything. I thought it was just my mirror.


Later that night as I was brushing my teeth I looked again. Nothing. I thought there was a glare on the mirror so I couldn’t see properly. I tried to look for at least 5 minutes. Nothing.


The large white spot on my left tonsil was gone.


The Lord healed me and increased my faith.


(Don’t worry Mom and Dad, I’m still going to see the ENT in a week…just in case.)



But, what if we all walked in the full power and authority that the Lord can and will heal us no matter what’s happening? Could you imagine what that would look like?


I challenge you to pray healing over yourself. Sometimes you have to be the one to declare the Lord’s name over your body.


On another note: I’m still in need of about $1,500 support to stay on at Adventures. My deadline is the end of September, but I would love to be covered before then!

Please consider supporting me financially, monthly or one-time, and prayerfully. Blessings.


  1. Amen!! I’m so glad you walked into more freedom and more faith and prayed healing over yourself! Like you said, sometimes we have to be the ones to do it….we get too comfortable having the faith of others lay hands on us but we gotta claim that faith too! And praise God, He is raising the funds for you too!! You’ll get there!

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